Saturday 23 April 2011

wikkid air force is relesed today and we need a slogan:
whether we play a large or a small role... by working together we achive our objectives -ded bolt
flying to save you-sarah the awesome
look after our troops... or someone else will -cbservices
wikkid air force, the easier way to win -bolt3791

yes it is me, peace, i have made a helicopter for wikkid air force (waf). i am the leader i do not need to make a slogan. i really like cbservices and ded bolt's slogan. i thought of one now:
follow your dreams- peace
but i'm pretty sure that won't get chosen because it has nothing to do with flying, now, does it? i will release wikkid army to the web soon (probally tomorrow) and well just vhope for the best troops.

here you can catch up on wikkid army, wikkid air force and other silly clans (i say 'silly' not to offend any other clans). oh,because i'm not online (because i gave my Email to sarah the awesome, big mistake) you can catch up on me here. wow. 33 plays on wikkid army level. NEAT